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Song Da Formation

Song Da Fm


Age Interval: 
Early-Middle Permian P1-2 sd, (14, 15)

Viet-Laos NW

Type Locality and Naming

The Song Da Complex described by Dovjikov A.E. et al. (1965) from its distribution area in the upstream part of the Song Da River, hence its name, near the Viet-Chinese border.

Synonym: Song Da Complex Hệ tầngSôngĐà', Dovjikov A.E. et a1. 1965 (P - T1); Vù Khúc, Bùi Phú Mỹ et al, 1990(C 1-P1); Trần Đăng Tuyết et al. 1994; Nguyễn Văn Hoành et al. 2001(C3 – P1).

ĩndosinias ìn/érieurịpan): Fromaget J. 1934, 1952 (C2 - T).

Hệ Permi (part): Bùi Phú Mỹ et al. 1971.

Điệp Sông Đà (part.): Nguyễn Văn Liêm 1985 (P – T1).

Hệ tầng Bọ Lếch-. Trần Đăng Tuyết et al. 1994 (P3 - T1)

Lithology and Thickness

It is a unit of sedimentary - volcanic deposits composed of sandstone, shale, porphyrite, some rhyolite and tuff, tuffite, conglomerate, and limestone. Nam Keng Stream section: (1). Conglomerate with rounded pebbles of quartzite and sandstone; grading upwards to cherty shale and mafic volcanic flows; 300-350 m thick. (2). Fine-grained mafic volcanic flows and their tuffs with some interbedsof grey cherty shale, 200-300 m thick. (3). Siltstone, sandstone, marly shale and interbeds of light-grey limestone; 50 m thick. The total thickness is 550-700 m.

Toward the Southeast of its extent, the thickness of the andesite middle unit increases up to 500-700 m, and the total thickness of the formation reaches 2600 m.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Unconformable upon the "Devonian-age Huoi Nhi Fm" in type area [Not in Lexicon]. Regionally, the next older unit is the Bac Son Fm carbonate-platform.

Upper contact

Unconformable below the Suoi Bang Fm.

Regional extent

It occurs in the valleys of the Song Da upstream and of its tributaries located in extreme West Bac Bo. The lower part of the Song Da complex occurs also in the area of the upstream Nam Chim Stream, a southwest tributary of the upstream Song Da River. Extending through Muong Te to Muong Lay area, Dien Bien Province.




Upper part contains Permian fauna such as Anodontophora sp., and Neoschizodus sp. (?). Mỉsellỉna ovalis, M. minor, M.termieri, Pseudofusulina sp., Pseudoschwagerina sp. were found. 5 km below the mouth of the Nam Po there are the fusulinids Pseudofusulina cf. complícala, Parafusulina ex gr. japónica, Miseỉlina ovaỉis, M. cf. aliciae, and Cancellina (?) sp. 7 km northward Muong Toong - Pseudofusulina cf. complícala, Parafusulina aff, gigantea, Para.. ex gr.japonca, Pachyphloia sp.,


Early-Middle Permian age has been determined by the above fossils and the 269-270 Ma isotopic dating of the andesite. [270 Ma would be Wordian]

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Based on the stratigraphic relationships and fossils, the Song Da Fm is referred to the Early-Middle Permian.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Tran Van Tri and Vu Khuc (Editors; Geology and Earth Resources of Viet Nam, General Dept. of Geology and Minerals of Viet Nam; completed in Dec., 2011), with additional details from Tong-Dzuy Thanh and Vu Khuc (Editors; Stratigraphic Units of Viet Nam, 2nd edition; 2011; English edited by A. Boucot).